8 Awesome Pin Ideas for Your Jacket

October 16, 2023

You can turn one denim jacket into a new piece of fashion every time you wear it by changing your lapel pins' configuration and content.

Are you looking for great ideas for enamel pins for jackets? Look no further! We have some great ideas for you so that you can turn your favorite outfit into a new look whenever you go out with the help of some fantastic pins. Whether you are new to pins or have been buying, selling, or trading for years, there is always something new.

There are many styles for wearing your pins and a considerable variety of pin looks, themes, and genres, so no matter what you are interested in, there will be something that fits just right. We will share our favorite ideas for wearing pins so that you can maybe try something new.Surprise your friends with a hot new look when you wear your lapel pins in away that shows your creativity.

Table of Contents

8 Pin Ideas for Your Outfit

There are some awesome ideas on the internet for ways to make your outfit stand out from the crowd using beautiful, quirky, or unique enamel pins. Below are our favorite ideas for turning your jacket into a piece of clothing you can use to change your look with very little work.

Seasonal Pins

You can turn your outfit into a walking appreciation of a season or holiday with a few well-placed pins. Giving your lapels Halloween pumpkins or using bent leg backings to put funky snowman pins along your buttons are great ways to add to the holiday spirit. You can even

Create a Message

You can use multiple pins to create one message that you want to share with the world. If you want to draw attention to a dog rescue, you can wear a paw print, “dogs rule,” a dogge meme pin, and then one for your favorite rescue organization. This quite clearly sends across the message that you love dogs and personally support shelters in your area.

You can make a message for anything from political, personal, social, or anything else. Grouping pins together to say something special to you is a great way to express yourself in an often-overlooked way.

Show Off Your Quirky Side

There are some very quirky pins out there that will turn some heads. For example, on Etsy, the artist RebeccaDangerArt has a sloth knitting, a hedgehog flying a kite, and a cat wearing a Santa hat, among other adorable pins. This style of pin is built off whimsy and your own personal sense of humor.


Memes are viral, and they are a great way of showing your sense of humor. These can be one word, phrases, images, or artwork related to all or part of an internet meme that means something to you. Most of these are intended to be sarcastic and humorous, but they can sometimes be offensive for anyone unaware of their source, so it is best to wear these with discretion.

Hobbies and Interests

Everyone loves to share things that make them happy. Being able to wear representations of your hobby and interests is a great way to break the ice at get-togethers and events. People who share them will be more likely to seek you out, and it is an excellent way of showing the world at large what moves you.

Fantasy, Zombies, and Scifi, Oh My!

If you have a favorite fandom, genre of literature or movie, or a particular love of specific fantastical images, then pins are perfect. You can find any kind of pin imaginable, from dragons and aliens to classic zombies and everything in between. Whatever you find attractive in fiction or folklore, there are pins out there to help you express it.

Popular Culture

Celebrities and popular culture are everywhere, and you bring them along with you when you go out by adding smart, funny, or thoughtful versions of your favorite pop culture icon onto your jacket. These pins can be from TV shows, celebrity interviews, or anything else in modern media. You can wear references to all the things you find funny or dear to your heart.


Millions of people worldwide care more about sports than any other hobby, so it is no wonder that supporting your favorite team is a central theme for many pin lovers. You can wear numbers associated with players, officials’ pins, and even classic sports memorabilia. Let the world see how much you care about your preferred sport and athlete.

How to Wear Your Pins

One of the best materials for wearing pins is denim since the hole spaces are easy to erase by running over the fabric. The thicker the material, the sturdier of a pin backing you will need to ensure it stays secure. Thinner jackets may show the holes too well, so you might want to avoid it unless you plan to wear your various pins in the same places.

In a Pattern

Sometimes pins are worn in a pattern such as a circle or a triangle to make them even more eye-catching. This is usually done on the lapel, chest, or shoulder area of a jacket. You can choose to create more interesting patterns and shapes such as hearts or stars out of the pins you wear.

On Your Lapel

Pins were initially designed to be worn on the lapel of suits and jackets, which is still a fantastic classic look. You can load up the lapel with a garden of colorful pins, or you can use one or two tasteful ones that complement each other. Either way, you will be presenting the world with a little taste of your personality.

Alongside Your Jacket Buttons

Some pins have bent leg backings, which allows you to place them over buttons. This is a great way to make your jacket look like a completely different piece of clothing. By either lining up your pins beside the buttons or covering them entirely, it will add color and variety to your outer layer.

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