Market Your Rock Band with These Cool Lapel Pins

October 16, 2023

Lapel pins are a terrific way to share your rock band’s brand and music style with fellow music lovers and fans.

How can you use your rock band enamel pin to gain an audience? Enamel pins and rock music have shared a close relationship for decades. Classic rock bands and musicians like Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, The Doors, and AC/DC have all sold pins to their fans as accessories. They are collectible items which give people further incentive to buy and wear them.

Rock band pins are affordable, easy to make and draw positive attention. Your fans will be wearing them out in public, which will grow brand recognition and bring in new interest. Most of all, lapel pins are fun and already solidly entrenched in the rock music genre.

No matter how long your band has been active, you can always use unique and effective ways of bringing in new followers. Pins are perfect tools for this, and musical themes are wildly popular among pin collectors. This article will go over the benefits of having a band pin and how to go about designing and ordering ones for your next concert or event.

Table of Contents

Why Make a Band Pin?

In the 1960s, pins were a part of the counterculture that heavily featured classic rock music, and they still make excellent marketing campaign tools that require little money or effort. Most band pins consist of either their name, related imagery or a short message that encapsulates their style. The great thing about lapel pins is that they are infinitely versatile, and you can change them up as often as you want.

Grow Your Band Brand

By producing pins with your band’s logo or name on it, you can increase the general public’s knowledge of your music. You can offer them as giveaways at your events or in accessory shops. Many bands also have Patreon accounts, and you can use the pins as a reward for individual tier memberships or monthly donations.

Free Advertising

Everyone walking around with one of your pins is like a billboard ad for your group. Pins are great conversation starters, and your fans will be able to share their passion for your music with friends and strangers alike. You can have pins for each of your new releases to increase interest.

They Are Collectibles

Collecting pins is big business, and there are millions of people around the world who amass pins related to each other. Music, military, sports, and Disney pins are just a few of the popular genres. Music themed pins are easily in the top five for collectors worldwide.

How Much Does It Cost?

Bulk orders of pins can be a bit expensive, but they will be paying you back in new listeners, cementing band loyalty and interest garnered. There are also some other, cheaper options for newer bands that do not have the funds to spend ordering many pins. You can also either sell or give them away, depending on your band’s financial status and what you hope to accomplish with them.

Bulk Orders for Giveaways

You can order hundreds of pins at once to give away at events or as prizes. Most online companies that offer bulk pins have a minimum order size between 50 and 100. The average cost of 100 basic enamel pins of your custom design is around $200 to $300, not including shipping costs.

Adding Pins to an Online Shop

If you already have a band website or store online, adding pins as an accessory is super easy. You can have them created on-demand so that you will not have to worry about having hundreds or thousands of pins lying around or shipping them off to customers. Most on-demand stores will offer pins as an option, and you only have to upload your band’s logo or image icon.

Not all newer bands have a store already set up online, so you may have to do that to make your pins available for fans to purchase. There are free and paid online band shops, including sites like Shopify, Bandzoogle, and Dizzyjam. Most of them have free set-up and then a cost to advertise on their website, which you can choose to ignore if you intend to do your marketing using your social media and events.

How to Design a Killer Rock Pin

There are a few options for any bands that are uncertain about how to design a new rocking pin. You can choose to commission someone to do it for you, or you can brainstorm and come up with several brand ideas of your own. A thing to keep in mind is that whatever you choose to do, the pin has to reflect your music’s mood and meet fan expectations.

Examples of Popular Rock Band Pins

You can find some excellent examples of what world-famous rock bands have used for their buttons and enamel pins on sites like Rockabilia, which hosts official merchandise. A few rock band pins from past and current acts include the following.

  • A bell-shaped pin with “AC/DC” and the song title “Hell’s Bells”
  • A solid background with the words “Motley Crue” and “Girls, Girls, Girls”
  • A yellow submarine (Beatles)
  • A skeleton Santa Claus (Misfits)
  • The devil on a throne (Iron Maiden)

As you can see, these are strong visuals linked either to individual songs or the group as a whole. Favorite song titles are incredibly common, as are images from album covers. Stylized band named pins have their own cult following, and most groups have at least one of these types of pins.

Commission an Artist

You can commission an artist on any number of websites that feature experts and individual freelancers to do the work. If you find an artist or style that you like, you will want to provide the person you hire with all of the information they need to create a fantastic pin. If you already have album art or other shop apparel, then sharing a link to this might help the artist get a better idea of what looks will fit best.

Commissioned art is a collaborative process, so if you have trouble expressing what you want to see, then it might be an excellent idea to sit down and iron that out before ever reaching out to an artist. Having a clear vision from the outset will make things move faster and smoother. If you like their work, then you might have a new professional relationship and someone to go to for future artistic endeavors.

Create Your Own

To create your own design, it is better to keep things simple. The more complicated your pin, the harder it will be to bring it to life in the way you envision. Keeping it down to only a handful of colors and one brief message or strong image is ideal.

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